Thursday, January 3, 2013

tini updates: just one of those days

All of the pages of my new Mensa puzzler-a-day calendar are piled up on my floor, along with all of my heated hair tools and my iPod nano (a second generation blue one from seventh grade, thanks much). And approximately a week's worth of dirty clothes and jeans I'm refusing to accept are no longer clean. Sometimes you've just got to accept that you've passed the point of "saving the environment" and gone to "straight up disgusting."

On a less repulsive note, today was one of those days. And by one of those days I mean a day where you come home from the mall and get a really awesome deal on a shirt but then you order your college textbooks and the cheapest books you can find are the ones from your college bookstore and even if you're lucky and get the used ones, you're going to be spending way too much money on some books you might not even end up using. You have no clue how much this makes me hate studying science. It's ridiculous how much science and math textbooks cost (yay for two science classes and two math classes... I know, I'm doing this to myself).

If anyone out there was actually reading before... or now... I made the font on our blog bigger. You probably didn't even notice... in fact, Em probably didn't even notice. It was just one of those things, like, hey, yeah it's a great idea to tweak little things about your blog layout RIGHT NOW when there are about 300 other things you could be doing (like ordering your textbooks for the semester or sending in your health records or selling the textbooks you never used when you decided you were taking a semester off from school just a few months too late or writing the post about how you decided to take a semester off from school).

Speaking of which, I'm trying really hard to get that post done. It's just that I want it to be absolutely perfect (which I think is understandable). It's also a little painful to write (also probably understandable), so I can only take it in little amounts at a time.

Tell me about your day! Please?

xx, kristina

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