Tuesday, December 25, 2012

story time with em

I feel so bad about two posts in a day, but the other one isn't really a post right it's a repost so it's fine.

Anyways! Merry Christmas to all of you! (and if you don't celebrate Christmas, happy Tuesday to you all, I hope your holidays were good)

So I thought today would be a good day for an update post, since I haven't done one yet (and a lot's happened) and because I'm leaving for New York tomorrow and I'm not sure what my internet's going to be like.

I'll start with college, since that's basically consumed my life. I've applied to all 11 of my schools (there were a looooot of essays) and heard back from three, two of which I got into. Which is actually really exciting for me, since one's giving me money, and I really like the other one. I also applied for a few scholarships/honors colleges, but I'm just about done with those essays thank goodness. The next school I hear back from is in January at some point, but I don't really care about that school since I definitely don't have to go there. (Okay, it's a state school, right? and I really didn't want to go there, and so now I don't have to which is great I'm not just being spoiled or something there are legit good reasons for not wanting to go).

The next big(ish) thing(s) that happened were of a medical nature. (That sounds so awkward). So I went ice skating with a few friends and I fell down. Not a big surprise, cause I can't go skating without falling. What was a surprise was that my knee (on which I fell) swelled up and I couldn't walk correctly. So I went to the sports doctor and nothing was wrong and it was this whole big todo but the moral is I'm not skating again unless there's a rail and the rink's been properly Zamboni'd. The other thing was that I got my wisdom teeth out! This actually happened last Monday, not yesterday, but the one before that. I could probably make a whole post on my experience but I won't because that's kinda dumb. So I'll just say I am so so grateful that I'm able to eat normal food again and that I can't wait for this whole process to be over with. (Be happy you guys can eat solid foods. basically my face looked like this:

when I wasn't allowed to eat real food) 

And then today was Christmas! We went to church last night (the one time we go to church all year awk) and then we when we walked out it was snowing! Which is actually a big deal cause we had a white christmas which hasn't happened in a while. (I have this theory it only snows Christmas Eve if we go to church that evening.) And then we had Christmas today and it was beautiful and great and actually I want to mention my sister's present cause she's adorable.

She first got me an Essie nail polish (Bachelorette Party, it's this hot pink color and really cute) and then she's been leaving me little notes all over our house about why she loves me. (there are 12 for each day of Christmas) So basically my sister is pretty cool.

Also I made a list of posts that I want to make for you guys in the future and it's pretty long which is a good thing!

Again, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays

-em xx

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